Arrangements must be made at least 6 months in advance
The priest or deacon who is preparing you for marriage will assist you in obtaining these documents. The documents are as follows:
Copies of Certificates of Baptism, 1st Communion and Confirmation that are issued within the last six months. Must have the church seal on it.
The Pre-Nuptial Inquiry questions regarding your freedom to marry and your views on Christian marriage. This form will be completed with your priest.
Two Letters of Freedom (Prenuptial Witness Forms) for each of you. Must be signed by witnesses in the presence of a priest and have the church seal on it.
State of California Marriage License, for which you are responsible to obtain at a Registrar Recorder/County Clerk branch office. Please bring the marriage license with a return envelope (that the recorder’s office will provide) to the priest at least one week before the ceremony. Unless this license is present, no wedding can occur.
Record of Permission for Mixed-Marriage
(For a Catholic to marry a person baptized in another Christian Faith).
Petition for Dispensation for Disparity of Worship
(For a Catholic to marry a non-baptized person).
Annulment; if either the groom or bride were previously in a sacramental marriage.
Lack of Form; if either the groom or bride were previously married civilly.